These packages and services are the most popular, but I'm happy to work with you if there's something different you're looking for. Just drop me a message!
Developmental Edit PACKAGE
This is it! This is my most popular package, and likely what you're thinking of when you hear "freelance book editing."
Now that your manuscript is complete, you may want editorial-style notes on it, including larger themes such as plot and characterization, and guidance on sentence-level work as well. You may have already completed multiple revisions on this manuscript or you may have just finished a first draft.
This would include:
Kickoff Zoom (or email, if you'd prefer) about your goals, wants, needs, etc. (up to 60 minutes)
Editorial letter on overall themes, arcs, characters, etc.
Marked-up manuscript with more specific thoughts and examples
20-30 pages of line edits to get you started
Follow-up Zoom (or email) to review (up to 60 minutes as well)
Getting Started PACKAGE
This package is for writers very early on in their manuscript.
If you're early along in your project, you may feel lost and/or discouraged from next steps, or just like you could use a little guidance. If you're looking for some notes on what you've done so far, and some thoughts on what's happening next, this is the package for you.
This would include:
Kickoff Zoom (or email, if you'd prefer) about your goals, wants, needs, etc. (up to 30 minutes)
Editorial letter with overall thoughts
Marked-up manuscript with more specific thoughts and examples
Approximately 10 pages of line edits
Follow-up Zoom or call to review and discuss next steps (up to 30 minutes)
Getting Finished PACKAGE
This package is for writers at least midway through their manuscript.
Look, the middle of books can be the toughest part to write. Also, finishing can be very hard! If you've gotten at least halfway there but need some help, this is the package for you.
This would include:
Kickoff Zoom (or email, if you'd prefer) about your goals, wants, needs, etc. (up to 30 minutes)
Editorial letter with overall thoughts
Marked-up manuscript with more specific thoughts and examples
15-20 pages of line edits
Follow-up Zoom or call to review and discuss next steps (up to 60 minutes)
Query Letter Critique
Query Packages
If you're not sure about committing to a full developmental edit yet, or just want some higher-level feedback, this is a great smaller package that's still based on a full manuscript.
This includes:
Brief letter on strengths and opportunities.
Marked-up manuscript with some specific thoughts and examples
It's what it sounds like! I'll review your query letter! There's no magic formula for a great query letter that excites agents, but I can provide some additional perspective as well as industry knowledge.
This includes:
Email response with overall thoughts
Marked-up query letter with line edits and suggestions
A second pass after your revisions have been implemented
Agents often ask for other materials, so you may want to have more than just your query letter critiqued.
These packages could include:
Email response with overall thoughts on all materials
Marked-up query letter with line edits and suggestions
A second pass of the query letter after your revisions have been implemented
Marked-up synopsis with line edits, questions, and suggestions
Marked-up first 10 pages with line edits, questions, and suggestions
Line Edits
If your manuscript is in great shape story-wise already, but you'd like a sentence-level edit of your prose, this is the package for you. This could be a limited number of pages to give you a running start, or a full line edit of your entire manuscript.
This would include:
Marked-up Word document in track changes, with comments noting thoughts, concerns, and questions you may want to consider.
Email response with bulletpoint list of any overall patterns, questions, concerns, and more.
One-on-one conversations
Industry discussions
General coaching
Packaged with other service (i.e. with a query package or a line edit)
Additional follow-up conversations to other services
Other Packages
If whatever you want isn't on here, just reach out!
"Wait," you wonder, "is my project a good fit for you, Amy?"
For all editing/editing packages, here's what I'm confident with:
Young Adult contemporary realistic fiction, particularly romance, friendship books, funny stuff
Other YA genres that "read like" contemporary fiction, i.e. I'd love to read your paranormal romance, but I'll be useless with your sci-fi or fantasy world-building
Adult romcoms/contemporary romance
Commercial women's fiction (I skim over beautiful prose so nothing too literary for me)
While I have less experience with it, I am a huge reader in the Middle Grade and memoir (of any age group) categories, and would be happy to hear from writers of these genres.
For query letter critiques and other packages, I'm confident with:
Young adult fiction, adult contemporary romance/romcoms, women's fiction, general fiction, commercial fiction
For query letters only, happy to take a look at sci-fi and fantasy; for bigger packages you may want to look above for the types of these manuscripts I'm better at
I've worked with:
Writers who are just about ready to query but want another revision pass before the manuscript goes out into the world
Writers who have just written their first book--first anything--and need guidance on next steps
Writers who would eventually like to pursue traditional publishing but are a few steps out from looking for an agent
Writers who would like to pursue self-publishing but want to work with an editor on big picture stuff as well as sentence-level improvements
Experienced writers, including multi-published authors
First-time writers without any background in creative writing or English
Writers ready to query with all kinds of experience...or lack of, too! It doesn't matter if this is your third attempt to query to find an agent, or your very first.
In short, if you're interested in working with me and your manuscript or query is a good fit per the above, you're qualified! (And if you're not sure, just reach out!)
Here's what I bring to the party:
Eye on character development, growth, consistency, relatability, inner journeys
Big focus on real emotional reactions; finding "reality" in fiction
Help in structure/pacing/story -- all that stuff that makes a book a book
Lots of specialty work in the romance/romantic comedy genres, so your characters fall in love but hit all those necessary pesky plot and structure beats along the way to their happily-ever-after
Craft help, from storytelling guidance to grammar
Knowledge of industry standards across multiple genres
Textual analysis to guide you to write modern and diverse stories, and avoid inadvertently problematic themes, situations, and representations
I can additionally package sensitivity read(s) on: fat representation and bisexual/queer representation​
At the end of the day, I'm a middle-class cis white lady, so your work may eventually require more sensitivity reads
Optimistic, encouraging, super reachable, but still honest. I am your biggest cheerleader but I'll also call out anything I think could be stronger.
My credentials:
Six published contemporary realistic young adult novels, and an additional upcoming YA novel, as well as an adult contemporary romantic comedy​
Wrote with multiple editors at large and small publishing houses.
M.A. in Media Studies from The New School with a focus on representation in pop culture/media
Graduate of the Upright Citizen's Brigade Improvisation Program